As if I didn’t have enough problems. My life is falling apart around me and now my car is falling apart too. I’m beyond stressed because I need my car to get to work and I need to go to work to pay my medical bills. My medical bills are really expensive too, which means I really don’t want to have to spend much money when I get my car checked out by the mechanic local to Raceview. But I have to get my car checked out and repaired because otherwise, I’m in strife. Okay, I’m going to book my appointment with the mechanic closest to me now. I need to rip off the bandaid and I’ll just hope for the best that there’s nothing majorly wrong with it and I can drive away only having paid a couple of hundred dollars. Hoping for the best works well because you can kind of will things to turn out the way you want. It hasn’t worked for me in terms of my medical issues as of yet but I’m really really hoping it does.
I just had my car service appointment. Apparently, I was in desperate need of a clutch repair which is why my car has been acting so weird. I explained my financial situation to the mechanic and he opted to charge me the lower end of the clutch repair price, to which I am very thankful. Unfortunately, though the price was still well out of my budget and as a result I’m going to have to pick up five extra shifts to cover the cost. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if I wasn’t already working six days a week, but alas, if I want to save my money for my treatment then this is what has to be done.
I just hope that in the next few months, my treatment starts working and I start to feel better.