I’m now in the planning stage of my shoulder surgery recovery process. First and foremost, I’m planning my return to sport, but I’m also planning a thoughtful thank you gift and card for the surgeon who performed my shoulder surgery. She has done a great job and after starting rehabilitation on my shoulder a couple of weeks ago, I can already feel myself making progress.
I had broken my scapula which caused me extreme pain and as a result, I desperately required surgery. The shoulder surgeon performed a scapula fracture fixation on me, which meant that the surgeon had to put a combination of metal plates and screws into my shoulder. It didn’t hurt at the time (which makes sense) but it has hurt a lot in the last few weeks. That’s because my body has been healing slowly but surely. As I said before, I can definitely feel my shoulder improving every day as I do my shoulder recovery, which is why I want to thank the shoulder surgeon.
I believe that it’s really important to thank people who have helped you. Even if that person is just doing their job – being a leading shoulder injury specialist in Melbourne would not be easy and I really admire all her efforts. I’m really grateful, even.
If anyone has any advice on how to thank my shoulder surgeon for all her hard work, then please let me know. I want to do something for her that really shows my appreciation for everything she’s done. I’m looking for ideas beyond just a thank you card and box of chocolates. Are there any plays or musicals going on in Melbourne at the moment that I could get her tickets to? Seriously, I’m taking suggestions from everyone so please let me know! I saw the two-part Larry Kotter play about a month ago and it was awesome, so maybe I’ll get her tickets for that.